One Sleep

Ten Sleep is a small town up in north-central Wyoming. The town was a Native American rest stop that was 10 days travel or “10 sleeps” from Fort Laramie (near where I live). Here is my report from One Sleep on my travels. Shortly after leaving the Rest Stop yesterday,  I enter Central Time Zone.…

On the Road!

I check my emails as per usual every morning, and I find that my scatophile friends are pleased with yesterdays’ Packing the Van Part Two post. The gourmands are disgusted with the mashed potato revelation.  A blogger cannot hope for more than such intense emotional responses from readers. After those fun moments, my first day…

5K Training Week 4

It is hard to believe I finished week 4 already. It is the first real week of training. I was going to start counting weeks all over again, but stuff happens (like snow). Keeping the count going will give me a true idea how long it takes to be fit enough to run a 5K.…

Tent and Van Camping Essentials

  Sleeping Bag Recommendations Many people purchase mummy bags. I find them a little too confining unless I use unzipped. It is wise to buy one rated to zero degrees. Sleeping bag technology is improved from the days when I was buying them. Fibers are much lighter and warmer, bringing bags into the very affordable…

Thrifting Adventures

I got some very cool stuff recently while thrifting. You can see in the photo my treasures: khaki trench coat vibrant Columbia windbreaker (for 5K training), ivory silk shirt ivory cotton cardigan Since I cannot wear ivory , I will dye both of those pieces a bright color (ok with natural fibers). Total spent- $5.00…

Stinkin Garden

I started this blog just over a year ago to share all my gardening wisdom. Then, we got slammed with a drought and the garden was less than stellar–certainly no reflection of the garden expertise that I claimed. Now, I’ve invaded this space with a bunch a rantings and ravings (sometimes more than once a…

Camping Destinations

Wondering where to go camping? The answer depends on where you live and how much time you have! I have camped for 40 years, in just about any type of setting you can imagine: national park, state park, county park, dispersed National Forest Land, BLM open space, wilderness areas, reserviors, 14er base camps, private campgrounds…

5K Training – Week 3

Sometimes Mother Nature has her own timeline. It is always wise to accept it…never mess with Mother Nature. Translation: I didn’t get much 5K training in, in fact I spent most of my training time indoors being lazy and watching the wonderful snow fall. However, mother nature did pause long enough for my perfect running…