Critical Information on the Zombie Apocalypse

New Mexico has it’s UFOs and Green Aliens; however, the real danger is up here, with the Zombies that freely roam our vast, unpopulated state. Perhaps you are one of those people who zoom by on the way to Yellowstone or Sturgis, thinking that our landscape is barren.

No, no, no. Behind those sagebrush lurk zombies and plenty of them. They easily morph into antelope if they think you can see them. After you drive by, they morph back.

In fact, I have seen some suspicious tracks out in the snow this morning. I believe some are lurking. I am wondering if they will take advantage of our immobilized condition resulting from large snow storm and launch the Zombie Apocalypse.

If you are one of the doubters, you must check out the latest news at this link: Huffington Post. This is a genuine news website, not a bunch of crackpots. You will see what I mean!
