When in Wishek…

I am starting to feel like a local. For one thing, I made a dessert for the annual Fireman’s Fundraising Dinner. I don’t bake often, but I loved it. I used a recipe that the local “Germans from Russia” make (Two-Tone dessert, made with pudding, cream cheese, and Cool Whip on a flour/nut crust and…

Holy Week

Holy Week was busy in my new church and community. I had six services (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday at the Nursing Home, Maundy Thursday at church, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise and Easter). That is a new record for me, so I started working on the services a few weeks earlier. I wasn’t sure I could…

Prairie Wandering

  The beautiful state of ND is still brown, yet I love wandering and exploring in the early spring. Migrating birds overhead and the return of resident ducks in the ponds and lakes draw me out into the sunshine.  Sandhill Crane, Duck and Snow Goose migration continues overhead. In the water I observed endless species…