What the Heck- Joran Van der Sloot

It is true; some of us do not make the best choices in terms of a life partner. It’s the most obvious stuff we tend to overlook, things like emotional availability,  overall compatibility, religious differences, and/or  a shared desire for children (or not). But Joran Van der Sloot? This is the guy who admitted killing…

Senses in the City

My taste, hearing and sight are on overdrive here in beautiful Denver. The most delightful sound is an ice cream truck playing a cheery song as it moves through the neighborhood late Monday afternoon.  Other city sounds that wiggle into my ears: horns honking, kids speaking in Spanish, doors slamming, sirens wailing endlessly, planes angling…

5K Training – Week 8

There is not much to write. I did a nice long walk with my Perfect Running Partner, then nothing else all week. I have reached my annual 8 week drop out point. It’ is so embarrassing to have to admit it. However, because I have made a public commitment to run a 5K this year,…

Mini Road Trip – Denver

I am on the road again! Only this time the trip was just 180 miles from door-to-door. I am in Denver visiting my son, Kerry for two days. I left in the afternoon on Sunday and the light was too bright for photos. I will try to get some on the way back Tuesday evening.…