Winter To-Do List for Camper

Well, I am not out camping, but that does not keep me from thinking about the camper.  Those darn pop-up forums!  Here is my list of winter projects: Line plywood sliders under mattresses with reflectix Cut reflectix panels to fit inside zip up windows Sew flannel dog blanket to fit on sofa cushions Crochet draft…

In Town, At Home

The days of camping whenever, wherever are over for now. Today the high will be 45 degrees; tonight we get snow showers. Just wet and cold. Snow camping beckons, but not until after a large snowfall, when the skies are cobalt blue, the humidity low, and the snow a fine powder. So what does a…

Young Gulls

I thought for sure I found a new-to-me bird. Turns out I was watching immature gulls of some kind. My books disagree on which gulls live in Wyoming; however, the pictures I found and the online website that lists Wyoming birds suggests they are immature Hermann Gulls. I was able to get good photos because…

October Camping – Two

Tango and I set out for a long walk along the shoreline. The water level is low like all the other reservoirs in the area: water goes downstream throughout the summer for irrigation, and the eagerly anticipated snow melt next spring will fill them again. Before we reach the beach, we see our first sign…

October Camping

Yesterday morning I make a deal with myself: clean the kitchen, do my monthly paperwork and fold last week’s laundry, then go camping. It is difficult to believe that someone my age has to make bargains with herself to get chores done. It worked, though, and when finished, I scoot to the grocery store to…

Wetter Walnut Way

I finally got out for a walk around 2 PM this afternoon. Of course, I took Walnut Way to get photos showing the difference after a snow storm. By that time, the afternoon sun had melted most of the snow. What remained were splotches of snow, as if someone had thrown cream cheese frosting here…

First Snowfall – Part Two

We had a blizzard warning all day, but the snow fall remained light and steady. Being Friday,  when I study and work on my sermon, I stayed in, lounging in sweats. The wind picked up intermittently and the lights flickered but never went off. For lunch I decided to make something from a few of…