Turtle Mountains

  Sometimes people who name mountains choose a descriptive and/or dominant attribute. Consider the Rocky Mountains, which are rocky. The Smoky Mountains, with their smoke-like fog. The Snowy Range—a small range within the Rockies—appears snow covered every month of the year. At other times, the mountain names seem arbitrary—like the White Mountains, which are not…

In the Far North

  The minister meeting in Minot, ND is over and I head east in my van, pulling Half Moon, my popup camper. I am off to  the Turtle Mountains up on the border between Canada and ND. I have been forewarned not to expect real mountains—nothing like the Rocky Mountains, where I lived for 14…

Yawn-More Birds

Bird life on the prairie is more abundant than I expected. A few days ago I drove to a small town about 35 miles west. Oh look, huge Northern Harriers swooping down on rodent prey every few miles. Another dozen or so Prairie Falcons. The cattails surrounding the ponds are full of Yellow-Headed Blackbirds. On the…

Cruising Along Canadian Border

My first big camping trip in North Dakota starts in a few days. I head up to Minot, ND for minister meetings, then along the border to Lake Metigoshi and the Peace Gardens. I hope to get in some good blogs! Minot is about 4 hours north of me and is even colder than southern North…