Rocking the Wacky Words

More wacky words to share! These are not words I add to my writer’s vocabulary; that would be verbose. However, I do appreciate a clever word. It’s like finding a cool new rock to add to my collection. You can find these nuggets and more at You can find my other posts about wacky words…

Pre-Retirement Bucket List

Okay, so I am thinking out loud in this post. I won’t be retiring anytime soon. However, I am always–perhaps to a fault–thinking about the future. Where will I camp next summer, and the next? Where are the best birding spots this fall? When can I see whopping cranes? What kind of camper upgrade will…

Round Bales, Wildflowers, and Stubble

Early evening is perfect for a walk–a classic fall ambiance curls into the crisp air. Tango and I drive a few miles to a favorite walking spot in the county. We park near the road, skip across railroad tracks, and wander off on a section line road: a wide dirt path that parallels the train…

What Would You Pack?

The photos of Syrian refugees fascinate me, despite the magnitude of this tragedy. In particular, I notice their “baggage”. Some have backpacks, others a tied scarf, others a small suit case or a bag. Each time I see the photos, I wonder: what is in those bags? What would I take if I were forced…

Walking Between the Rain Drops

Time to walk Tango! A light rain falls outside, meaning I should probably wait until later. However, I am feeling quite quirky lately. Last night I lounged on the deck in my zero-gravity chair while mindlessly staring at the stars and satellites for hours. So, why not take a walk in the rain? Yes, At…

Advice to a Younger You

Imagine that you could climb into a time machine and go back to any decade in your life. What advice would you give to a younger you? What warnings would you offer? Would you listen to the older you? You can find a slew of answers by women here. Men’s responses are sparse, although I…