10 PM Fireworks?!?

How long does a person have to wait until the fireworks start? From Miami to San Diego, the show begins around 9 PM, when the sky is dark. However, earlier events draw people into the parks and other venues. By about 8 PM, kids are getting worn out from dancing around. Everyone is achy from…


Fireflies were a part of summer’s magic. Just as the sun set in the humid Midwest, fireflies came out; a blink of light near the garage, a blink across the yard, another blink next to the tree. Sometimes we caught the fireflies in glass bottles and watched their light display up close. Magic. A child’s…

Fourth of July – Food For Thought

The people who created the Constitution were a people of faith who tried their best to be people of integrity. They created a country founded on values and principles. They demanded and created a government based on the knowledge of right and wrong and warned against what we face today. Yes, they were imperfect and…