The Upside of Impermanence

The Buddhist world view includes a sense of impermanence, which tells us that everything about life is temporary. Clearly, our state of being alive is temporary. However, impermanence – annica – has greater implications. The Buddha noticed that everything is transient or subject to decline and destruction. Beautiful trees lose their leaves, emotional bonds break,…

Spike of Life

Where is your dream vacation? If you could do anything you want today, what would you do? What makes you happy? Who makes you happy? Everyone can answer those questions, everyone knows what brings happiness and contentment to their lives. Sitting on a tropical beach, playing guitar, working the potter’s wheel; each brings a spike…

Particular Peoples

Sometimes I feel that I am heading to a village deep in a jungle or to the African Savannah. Really, I am only going to Yellowstone for the summer, but preparations are more expedition-like. In addition to my previous reports about preparations, Tango and I got shots, haircuts, check-ups, teeth cleaned. Tomorrow I will repack the…

The Mountains are Calling!

Hard to believe I have gone from the quiet woods in FL to living near the border in NM with a fun bunch of elders. Likewise, difficult to imagine being too busy to blog! This fluctuation seems to be my future – moving between quiet, reflective settings and a community of like-minded social folks who…

Laze, lounge, loll

I was walking Tango this morning and a neighbor–a master of idleness – shouted to me from his lounge chair, “What are you thinking right now?” Darn, he caught me thinking about the things on my “to-do” list (license plates, pick up RX and mail). This was a disappointing answer since the guy is my…

Happy News

My son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first child in October, and I will be a grandma. Today they announced the news to everyone on Facebook, with this clever photo:   Kerry and Meghan also posted a recent sonogram: We do not know yet if the little squirt is a boy or girl. Regardless, we…

One Thing I Wish I Knew Before

People in the Midwest work hard and display generous doses of common sense, most of the time or at least when I grew up there. My grandpa identified strongly with those traits. He spent his career in one place, lived in the same house from the time he married until he died. Grandpa lived well–he…

Passport to Retirement

Highway to hell, stairway to heaven, leaving on a jet plane, where the streets have no name, everybody’s looking for something. The passport to retirement reveals a journey forward, to new dreams, and a journey backward, to reclaim those pushed aside.         Passport

Aunt Bee and Me

I have not fallen into a vat of tequila or impaled myself on a barrel cactus. I have been wandering this past week, a bit further north in New Mexico to meet up with friends who came down from Colorado. Before I write about that, I have something hilarious to report. I was back at…

Desire !?!

Greetings from my new-to-me RV community for singles. The website for Loners on Wheels (LoW) points out that this is not a dating community but a group of 50+ year old nomadic singles who want to socialize with others. Potlucks, outings, hiking, pizza night with wanderers just like me! However, if LoW’s target audience were younger…