Simple Snow Day Pleasures

“Guess what”, mom says. “Snow day today. No school”. I remember looking out of the living room window at a snowy wonderland and feeling a deep inner joy. A day off. Snow play. Maybe even ice-skating at the rink down the block IF the city plows the side streets. Hot chocolate, warm soup. A snow…

Auctioneers at Last

I am eager to find a new writing topic; however, I must finish what I started. Besides, if I don’t write about the Auctioneer, you will read only about the enticing view from my large picture window– snow accumulated overnight and my world is white. I sit in my easy chair, taking in the view,…

More About Auction Sales

When we last met I was writing a series about auction sales. A two-day minister continuing education event, youth group, Halloween, and Sunday worship interrupted that train of thought. On Monday, I fired up the faux fireplace, curled up into a little ball inside my warmest comforter, like a squirrel easing into hibernation in her…

Insider Look at Auction Sales

Last winter, a local lamented about all the stuff in his house. With a sigh he said, At least my auction sale will be a good one. Now, I love the words auction and sale, and when I hear them together my toes start tingling. Auction sale? When? Where? What? You know, when I die and…

The Small Town Yard Sale

In many small towns, yard sales are a colossal event, providing something to do on Saturday mornings and giving locals a place to shop locally for things that require a 70-mile drive to a bigger town. While living in Wyoming, I looked forward to May when flowers and yard sales bloomed. After collecting addresses all…

A New Year!

A few days ago, I drove through the Sheyenne River valley. Trees stood fully naked, the last leaves blowing down valley on an icy thermal. Birds are long gone, although it seems like yesterday a few stragglers remained. I wait for the first flakes of sn, sn, sn, SNOW, which could fall any moment. The early…

Fun Times with the Germans from Russia

She who eats sauerkraut on Wednesday shall find a rich and rewarding life… The wonderful people in my little town are descendants of Germans who migrated first to Russia for a generation or two, then to the US. Many towns in this area of North Dakota have the same lineage: the people here are proud of their…

Hunting the Aurora

Around dinner time I received the urgent email alert: “… tonight’s aurora forecast: better than previously forecasted auroras expected tonight, possible storm levels. Be ready, Alaska, Canada, and some northern states. Kp level could reach 6— Oct 6 & 7. That’s tonight and tomorrow night!!! Be ready” Be ready! That is the call to a…

Bismarck Warbler Adventure

Been looking forward to a Friday night workshop in Bismarck. Topic: Identifying Confusing Fall Warblers. My pre-retirement bucket list contains a goal to identify the 3 dozen species of warblers who look very much alike. Fall warbler identification is even more challenging, since the breeding plummage is gone and they look even more alike. I…