7 Ways Organic Gardening Outperforms Conventional Gardening

By Greg Seaman, EarthEasy.com Just a few generations ago, in the 1930’s, approximately 45% of Americans lived on farms. This demographic gradually but steadily declined as people migrated to urban centers, and over time, to suburbs. Today, only about 960,000 people claim farming as their principal occupation, which represents less than 1% of the US…

Early Spring Progress

I took a little stroll around the main garden and found some pleasant surprises (April 2, 2012). Last fall I planted a  carrot variety that Territorial Seed says will overwinter and then germinate in the very early spring,  providing an early harvest. I am happy to say that some of those gems are up!  Carrot…

More Windy Day Fun

I decided to reorient the hay bale greenhouse. I learned that I was getting more hay bales, which meant I can build another hay bale set up ( I already have another door for the top). However, to fit two into the space I have, I had to change directions! Smaller,  reoriented hay bay greenhouse…