Mini Mods for Popup Camper

I spent part of my first full day settling in and getting things inside the popup camper “just so”. Think Goldilocks and the three bears. I don’t like a lot of clutter in the camper…everything needs to have a place. I brought along some of those sticky hooks that you can find everywhere. I found…

The Woman Cave!

Time to show pix of the finished woman cave. I already decided that in the fall I will modify the new curtains. The crisp white cotton is thin, but I can use them as the lining for a heavier fabric when the colder weather sets in. I was going for a vintage girly vibe, as…

Pop-Up Camper Mods- Creating a Theme

I learn in the pop-up camper forums and blogs that changes made to campers are called mods, short for modifications. And this week, I pulled together the things I have been collecting for my own camper mods, which are mostly cosmetic. I photographed everything I have so far then placed the supplies into a large…