The Upside of Impermanence

The Buddhist world view includes a sense of impermanence, which tells us that everything about life is temporary. Clearly, our state of being alive is temporary. However, impermanence – annica – has greater implications. The Buddha noticed that everything is transient or subject to decline and destruction. Beautiful trees lose their leaves, emotional bonds break,…

Sunday Reflection: Kick-Starting Change

Remember Issac Newton and his apple from high school science class? In addition to his insights about gravity, Newton developed 3 laws of motion. His first law states:  an object at rest will remain at rest unless an external force acts upon it.That’s right, an object at rest will not move unless someone exerts force.…

Sunday Reflection: Change

While I slept deeply last night the earth spun around its axis at 1000 mph. Simultaneously, it moved on its annual trek around the sun at 66,600 MPH. Furthermore, our entire solar system whirled around the center of our galaxy at an astounding 560,000 mph. As I sat quietly drinking coffee and gazing at the…

Settling in with Sixty

In the months leading up to my 60th birthday (this past July), I was anxious and unsettled. I dreaded getting so old, and these feelings contributed to some big changes in my life. Now, 6 months later, and I am all settled in. I have much to look forward to with my son becoming engaged.…

A Slow Bird

The relentless fall winds blow in today as if they never left; instead, waiting and gathering strength deep in the prairie dog holes. Free now, the winds oddly sound like heavy ocean waves, and their ferocity ebbs and flows like the breaking of those waves near the shoreline. The remnant summer flowers bow down at…

At Our Age?

My personal friends are curious about how I can leave one job without another “at our age”. I know that conventional wisdom says we should stay put and wait out retirement. Moving on is too risky. AT LEAST HAVE ANOTHER JOB, I hear. Here are some random thoughts. 1. Risk taking has nothing to do…