Staying Put for Now

The rain may have stopped but last night the temps dipped to near freezing! I was warm and toasty all night so no problem there. Weather Underground predicts that the day and night temperatures will improve but things are still nippy. I put up the mansion tent yesterday since I needed to waterproof it and…

October Camping – Two

Tango and I set out for a long walk along the shoreline. The water level is low like all the other reservoirs in the area: water goes downstream throughout the summer for irrigation, and the eagerly anticipated snow melt next spring will fill them again. Before we reach the beach, we see our first sign…

October Camping

Yesterday morning I make a deal with myself: clean the kitchen, do my monthly paperwork and fold last week’s laundry, then go camping. It is difficult to believe that someone my age has to make bargains with herself to get chores done. It worked, though, and when finished, I scoot to the grocery store to…