May Celebrations

Okay, so I am going to ignore the current cold snap and celebrate the arrival of May. I am going to assume that May-like conditions will arrive. May is named for Maia, the Roman goddess of fertility. So, I started my May celebration by foraging in the garden. I found asparagus just perfect for picking…


Everyone proclaims that spring is coming! Store ads, billboards, and blogs are infectiously optimistic. Ten seed catalogs sit on my coffee table. However, when I look around I see that the sun is still lower on the horizon, creating long shadows when I take photos. The nights are long and cold and the days punctuated…

Trip to the Nursery

I spent a good part of today on my annual trip to the nursery in Torrington. They have beautiful things spread out over many greenhouses. Below are flowers and bulbs that I bought Flowers, including yellow mums, fancy petunias, white snapdragons, delphinium, bee balm, dinner plate dahlia bulb and gladioulus bulbs Below are the veggies:…