Simplifying in Central Oregon

Tango and I are settled into my friend Gennie’s house in the Williamette Valley, in Central Oregon. She is making the transition to becoming a full-time RVer and needs some help making forward progress. Sorting through things and making decisions about what to keep for this next phase of life is so difficult. What goes…

Alaska Scare and New HFH Task

A few days ago, I said in a post that I am ready for the north but it may not be ready for me. For example, campgrounds may not be open. At the time I was referring to campgrounds in the lower northern U.S. states, like Idaho, Montana, and Washington, which usually open around Memorial…

Help! Send Chocolate!

Still doing volunteer work for HFH. I mostly paint doors all day, every day. From one house to the next. Have you ever counted the doors in your house? A modern sticks and bricks house? Every regular bedroom has 3 doors minimum – 1 entry door and 2 closet doors. The master bedroom has 3 also…