Memo to the Garden – Aug 9

Dear Garden, When I returned from camping, I saw that you have been enjoying the frequent rains. I found many veggies either producing or nearly ready. My harvest included: eggplant, cucumbers, squash, green beans, kohlrabi, and carrots. I noticed that the tomatillo are setting and that the okra will produce soon. The tomato plants are…


Today is the first day of the eighth month on our calendar. I point out this obvious fact because August is one of my favorite months. Unlike February, when I am sick of winter and unlike May, when stray frosts thwart my garden plans, August arrives in a flourish of nature’s delights and local traditions. The…

Vegetable Gardens in Denver

I would like to say that these photos show MY garden, but no. They are the veggies at the Denver Botanic Garden. I took these photos for my veggie gardening friends. Their veggies were planted in differently shaped blocks and they had some great trellising ideas. The photos are not great…just took them for ideas!