From Kablooey to Repose

I remember intense, illogical youthful emotions – even a lost sock could send me or a friend into a tizzy. A poor grade in college, an indifferent boyfriend, a disruption in nightly plans, a lost textbook – all major life crises with the power to detonate a mighty, peace-destroying, self-deflating missile. I was never one to…

Elixir Daydreams

e·lix·ir əˈliksər/ noun noun: elixir; plural noun: elixirs a magical or medicinal potion. “an elixir guaranteed to induce love” a preparation that was supposedly able to change metals into gold, sought by alchemists. a preparation supposedly able to prolong life indefinitely. noun: elixir of life; plural noun: elixirs of life a medicinal solution of a…