More Moose Mania

This morning I stumbled out of the tent, fed Tango, and started my coffee. A man from a campsite across the road walked over. “Did you see the moose in your campsite this morning?”  Of course I didn’t because I sleep like a log and, apparently, so does Tango. He never barked. I could only…

Hector, Creatures Great and Small

This morning on our walk we met Hector. He is from Mexico, in his mid-thirties, and riding a motorcycle through the Americas. He has been on the road for 2 years already, heading first through all of South America. He crossed into the U.S. at El Paso and then made his way through the U.S.…

Moose and Heated Mattress

On my way back from a workshop in Billings, MT, I camped up in the Bighorn Mountains, which are west of Sheridan, WY. This was my first time in that dramatic and most unusual mountain range, which features an interesting geologic past. I was about 6 hours north of Wheatland. What a great place to…