Wilderness Withdrawal

I am still at home, finishing my sabbatical projects.Tango is snoozing on the cool tiles lining the fireplace hearth.  I am happy with my work progress: a new church website, which is still in the beta stage (www.uccww.com), a confirmation curriculum, a heritage cookbook, and some personal stuff. I finish the cookbook TODAY and after…

Stealth Mode

     I whisked into my hometown, Wheatland, wearing red sunglasses and a big floppy hat. I worried that I  would run into someone in this small town and that would set the “restart” button a week early. So, I transformed into stealth mode.  I collected Tango from the dog sitter, washed more clothes, and…

Bird Meeting

I stayed in bed about an hour this morning listening to the birds. They reminded me of a loud meeting. In the background I heard the constant song/chatter of the sparrow. The yellow-eyed Brewers Blackbird offered his one note, a sweet threeeeee. A Crow pitched in now and then with his grumpy caaaww. The Doves…