Gardening in North Dakota

In Wyoming, Arizona, and elsewhere I spent untold hours prepping the garden soil. My annual task was getting enough nutrients in the grainy, alkaline, native soils to support the growth of lush tomatoes and crisp cucumbers. In Wyoming, I hauled in hundreds of 5-gallon buckets filled with manure from the fairgrounds and then layered on…

Gardening Articles Posted

Finally, I completed the last project involved in transferring to this new website. I organized and set up the old gardening articles from the past two years. My blog started as simply a place to record my garden adventures, but obviously ended up covering many more topics. On the menu bar at the Home page,…

Memo From Garden – May 16

May 16, 2013  Dear Jane, Hi there Rev. Busy Jane. This is your garden. Since we haven’t seen you in a while we thought we would blog you in hopes of getting some attention.  We (flower beds, vegetable garden, compost piles, red wigglers) are patiently awaiting your appearance this spring. By mid-May in previous years…