Zombie Cars

I moved my living room chair for the winter. I now sit across from the little wood stove. This gives me a higher and wider view of the street and houses in front of me. Previously, the chair provided maximum bird viewing. From my new perch, I see people driving to work at the Assisted…

Simple Snow Day Pleasures

“Guess what”, mom says. “Snow day today. No school”. I remember looking out of the living room window at a snowy wonderland and feeling a deep inner joy. A day off. Snow play. Maybe even ice-skating at the rink down the block IF the city plows the side streets. Hot chocolate, warm soup. A snow…

Cold Northern Wasteland?

Winter hovers in the background. Hints: furnace running in the morning, sweatshirt days, early darkness. Craving a warm fire.  After clearing out the garden before the first frost, green tomatoes ripen on the kitchen counters.  Cupboards filled with pickled vegetables and freezer full too. I read something not long ago that described the Northern US as…

Doing the Wishek Shuffle

Winter in ND. A major highlight in my life: the cable company got out here and upgraded my service. I have been on basic-basic: no ESPN. No Monday Night Football. Cruel and unusual punishment. All is well now, and I watched last night. So awesome to gaze at Jon Gruden once again and just in…

-20 Degrees, Settling In, and Bird Feeders

This morning, the indoor/outdoor thermometer informed me that the outside temp is -20 degrees. That is not the temp with a wind chill; it is a straight up -20 degrees. Of course, everyone tells me this is the coldest early winter they can remember. Ever. Wherever I live, I seem to arrive on the worst…