Outside and a Great New Book

Well, I got outside and cleaned out the flower beds before settling in under the umbrella and reading on my Paperwhite Kindle. I am extremely happy that it works well outdoors, unlike the Kindle Fire or regular computer screen. Wondering how I can have an umbrella outside in our whirling wind without welding it to…

Blessing of Half Moon

On Wednesday, my Catholic friends, Fr. Tom and Deacon Terry, blessed my new camper. Terry sprinkled (tossed) Holy Water after saying a wonderful prayer. Lutheran Pastor Josh looks on. Thanks guys! Related articles The Power of Prayers and Blessings (lauralistardiaries.com) The Blessing (jtuta.wordpress.com)

Great Week with Young People

What a busy but blessed week I’ve had. As I mentioned earlier, 5 young adults stayed in my home. They were counselors for our Vacation Bible School. So my days were filled with the zeal our young kids and the mornings/evenings with the banter of young adults. How lucky I am to spend time with…