
Finally, curled up in a chair, showered, relaxed, well-rested. Marvin (stepdad) is still in the hospital after emergency surgery, so I am camped out in his room. Like the living room, books overflow from the 4 bookcases and form impulsive little piles. Without really digging, I found titles by F. Forrester Church, Sojourner Truth, Stephen…

Lovely Livingston Layover

  Tango and I are in the auto shop waiting room. Everyone who comes in – parts folks, customers – loves Tango. Pat, pat, scratch, scratch. As usual, he gets all the attention. I am just the one who holds his leash.  The van is in good hands here, and they will get me on the…

One Day to Another….

Seven nights ago, I posted about staying overnight in Livingston, MT, at the truck stop near the freeway. I awoke at 2:30 AM to hop the westbound Greyhound. Tonight, I am at the same truck stop, in the same van. That is where the similarity ends. I need not wake up until 6:30 AM, a real…


I am 5 days into my trek to Gardiner, Montana for the summer. Unlike my trip from Alabama to New Mexico, this trip north from New Mexico is smooth sailing. I am traveling an altogether different route than planned, thanks to a late snowstorm that blew into the Rockies, but the journey has taken me…

Newest Adventure Shaping Up

Update from mission control: 1 week from today, Tango, Blue Moon, Flying Cloud and I head down the road. Our destination is Northern Florida. I have been accepted to participate as a volunteer in a conservation/ecological program. I do not yet know their policy regarding blogging so I won’t be too specific about where I am…

Cruising Along Canadian Border

My first big camping trip in North Dakota starts in a few days. I head up to Minot, ND for minister meetings, then along the border to Lake Metigoshi and the Peace Gardens. I hope to get in some good blogs! Minot is about 4 hours north of me and is even colder than southern North…