Saturday Morning Oatmeal

I contrast then and now. Saturday morning chaos of chores, now Saturday morning leisure. At one time, dashing to standing room only grocery store, then soccer game, then Taco bell for nourishment; today sleeping late, wandering around the back yard with my dog, then oatmeal with bananas and protein powder. My son’s pile of laundry…

Small is Beautiful

After a weekend of living big in Denver, I am pondering the character of small. informs me that synonyms for small include scanty, shrimp, stunted, and insufficient. I talk back to the website: no, small is beautiful. I remember the book Small is Beautiful, written by EF Schumacher in the 1970s and the concept presented there:…

A Return to Simplicity, Recycling, Reusing, and Zero-Waste

Several years ago I shared my day-to-day experiences about returning to a simpler, healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. By definition, rural living suggests simplicity, but that is not always true. For example, Wheatland had recycling drops at the dump for only some items. When I decided to get serious and create a zero-waste home, I had to…