Time to Turn Over

At night I toss and turn. Even Tango gets tired of it and jumps off the bed for a more still corner. Then as I am starting to awaken, I turn over once more into a little ball and try to get a few more zzzzz. You probably care little about my sleeping habits, so take…

May Celebrations

Okay, so I am going to ignore the current cold snap and celebrate the arrival of May. I am going to assume that May-like conditions will arrive. May is named for Maia, the Roman goddess of fertility. So, I started my May celebration by foraging in the garden. I found asparagus just perfect for picking…

Spring Blessings

As I sip coffee and plan my day, I am reminded about all the wonderful events coming up. In my work I am blessed to be a part of life’s special moments. For example, in the next 6 weeks: Graveside memorial for 93-year-old woman who just died peacefully Passover Seder/Celebration Wedding Easter Baptism- 2 month…

Sniffle, sneeze, thanks

We have moved closer to Spring, away from a dreadfully long winter. Now everyone is complaining about allergies kicking in. Are we ever happy? Will we ever learn to enjoy each day for what it is? Right now, I am reading a number of things that talk about how to remain grateful every single day.…

Suntan Lotion

I ran into the dollar store yesterday, and on the way out I saw a huge display of suntan lotion. I swear there was a beam of light from the heavens shining down on the display and a chorus of angels singing. The clean, shiny containers of suntan lotion with their blue cap hats were lined…

Late Winter or Early Spring?

The sun is shining today. Everyone is giddy because the official start of spring is about two weeks away. Daylight savings time starts Sunday. Of course snow will return several more times before spring arrives–seasons do not start on one day and end on another. Summer transitions to fall and winter transitions to spring; each…


Everyone proclaims that spring is coming! Store ads, billboards, and blogs are infectiously optimistic. Ten seed catalogs sit on my coffee table. However, when I look around I see that the sun is still lower on the horizon, creating long shadows when I take photos. The nights are long and cold and the days punctuated…