Internet Irony and Bird Obsessions

One reason I came home for the last week of my sabbatical was to have steady Internet access while I finish up projects. Funny thing: our local Internet has been awful-up and down or slow. Twice this week I went to the local coffee shop to use their Internet. Despite the minor inconvenience, I am…

This is Wyoming on Water

Finally time to get away! I have avoided the east side of Glendo State Park because I heard that it was awful and full of loud party people. Sandy Beach camp sites are mostly awful since they are too close together. But lots more camping sites exist beyond Sandy Beach. In fact, I am staying…

Northern Flicker at the Feeder

A Northern Flicker (western version with red marks) visits the suet feeder now. With his red markings, which are not really noticeable in these shots taken from inside the house, he looks ready for Christmas. With that long beak, he pecks at the suet block, which is frozen solid this morning.Later in the day he…

Young Gulls

I thought for sure I found a new-to-me bird. Turns out I was watching immature gulls of some kind. My books disagree on which gulls live in Wyoming; however, the pictures I found and the online website that lists Wyoming birds suggests they are immature Hermann Gulls. I was able to get good photos because…