Did the Garden Survive My Trip?

Before I left for a two week road trip I planted potatoes outside, planted flowers, tomatoes and eggplant seed in the AeroGro (hydroponic system) and put my first batch of indoor starts into the hay bale greenhouse.  I set two watering systems with timers. I fed the red wigglers and left them in their cozy bins, in the bathtub.

While I was gone the temps in SE Wyoming remained chilly, with nights in the 30s and 40s.  A few thunderstorms were forecast, but I don’t know if any rain actually fell.  I saw a few high-wind warnings as well.

Did anything survive? Stay tuned. I will be home Tuesday night. Can’t wait to see what is going on.

The purpose of the trip: to welcome my son home from Afghanistan, shown below with Grandma.  So, even if I lose everything in the garden…it was all worth it!