
One of my experiments this year was to grow some protein. I decided on soybeans, called edamame when eaten green. Frozen edmame is available in most grocery stores, and I love it.

While only about a dozen plants made it through our tough season, I had excellent results. The bush-type plant is small, and it produces large quantities of small, fuzzy, stubby pods.

Like other bush beans, pods can be harvested over an extended period. However, I pulled up the plants all at once and found both green and mature pods, with lots of dried seed for next year.

I bought original seed from Baker Heirloom. I am assuming they were self-pollinating, and I will find out next summer!

To store edamame, shell the green soybeans,  blanch and  freeze the beans.

Edamame in tough outer pod, awful

Just picked and shelled edamame, yummy

Dried edamame seed for next year

Some uses:  chopped salads, eaten as snack, casseroles, salads.

Hi-Protein Salad

1 cup edamame

1 small onion

1 carrot

1 celery

handful spinach or other greens

1/2 cup sunflower seed

1/2 cup shredded low-fat mozzarella

light Italian dressing

chop all vegetables in food processor. Add sunflower seed and cheese. toss with light dressing. Note: add any other vegetables you have on hand, including summer squash.