Winter Eats

There is no lack of veggies in my diet this winter. This is the time of year when I really enjoy the things I stored last fall.

I am making a dent in my supply of frozen chard and other greens. I use them in everything, including soup and casseroles. I am also using garlic frozen last fall. I used to store garlic dry, but by winter’s end, the cloves were withered and rotted. This year I tried freezing, with great success. I tried several ways of freezing (with and without papery covering) and discovered that peeled garlic gloves, frozen when fresh from the garden, come out the best.

frozen garlic 2Frozen Garlic, unpeeled. Some cloves are brownish.

The best treat? Freezer jam, which I froze in 1/2 cup jelly jars. The jam never freezes solid, so it is easy to pull a jar from the freezer and then take out a spoonful (or two). The jar goes back into the freezer.

I  made up a spaghetti squash casserole (layer squash with tomatoes, veggies, cheese, bake), using squash harvested in September. I also have onions and shallots in dry storage. The white onions are beautiful, the others marginal. The shallots store well, but are harder to peel now.

sp squashFall harvested spaghetti squash, ready for oven

shallotsShallots, stored in blue mesh bag

I harvested a cabbage straight from the garden (Dec 10). I planted them in early August, and they grew great. Now, they seem to withstand the cold pretty well. However, to be safe, I harvested this one before temps got into single digits last week. I made a cabbage/pork stew, which included frozen carrots and green beans.

cabbage dec harvestCabbage, harvesting in Dec 10 (Wyoming)

cabbage dec harvest 2 (2)Cookin it up!

As for basil, I have one AeroGro (hydroponic unit) going. It is producing a prolific lemony basil, which I put in everything. Love fresh basil in the winter as it makes everything test so fresh. I have also been using my frozen pesto.

Although not from my garden, I have cooked beans in the freezer (navy beans, black beans, soy beans). I froze them in 1 cup jelly jars. Since beans are so full of protein and fiber I take out one little jar every day and work it into my cooking for the day.

As for meat, I am still eating the antelope, elk, and deer from my now departed friend, Bob.

So, with this abundance, there is no excuse to munch on holiday goodies. Ha-ha. Since I am always tempted and sometimes give in, I have tried making some sweets with low-carb baking mix, eggs, powdered cocoa and Truvia. Not bad.

Merry Christmas!

One thought on “Winter Eats

  1. The cloves that I peeled and froze are still nice and firm. When thawed, they are exactly the same as fresh cloves. I use my garlic press but chopping should be fine.

    Another tip: when I harvest garlic, I let it “cure” outside on my drying rack (a large elevated window screen). I leave it there a few days. This year I froze half as an experiment. Next year I will freeze more.

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