Rubber Chicken Purse

Not long ago, while looking for something important (i.e., powdered peanut butter) on Amazon, I came across a Rubber Chicken purse. Seriously. When I saw this beauty, my inner child rebelled against the mature minister so successfully that I passed out in shock. When I awoke, there was an email from Amazon saying, thank you for your order. Darn one-click! I need some parental controls.

rubber chicken purse

Anyway, it arrived and I liked it, if for no other reason than it is a good conversation starter. When a bunch of us went to brunch after church this past Sunday, it was indeed a conversation starter. Our music director thought it was the oddest, craziest thing she’d seen. She walked around to the other tables in our local restaurant showing everyone. She laughed; however, others weren’t sure if it was a joke or it really was my purse. It was all in good fun. It got me to thinking about changing my cell-phone ring tone to a “cluck”.

Well, my naughty inner child loved all of that attention and began to search for other silly animal purses. They were pricey; indeed one could grow broke acquiring purse conversation starters. So, I started to think of ones I could create with my inner child. We like to do little projects together.  It didn’t take long before we had our second crazy purse.

For this beauty, I used a stuffed stingray that I got last year from the aquarium in La Jolla, CA. I found a simple black purse at the thrift store. I joined the two for eternity using extra thick glue and voila! I know that you think it’s awesome.

ray purse

By the way, you can order a rubber chicken purse for yourself or as a wonderful surprise for your music director by clicking Rubber Chicken Hen Tote Bag Handbag Purse Pocketbook “Henbag”

The stingray purse is one-of-a-kind, but I might consider taking bids.