Trash Talk

Trash bin icon I walk my dog up and down the alleys in the summer so I can peer into backyard gardens. I see what other people grow and their clever trellis ideas. Does that make me a Peeping Tomato?

I also pass by everyone’s rolling, grey trash bins. Sometimes I wonder what people throw away, although I never actually open the lid and peak inside. Still, does that make me a Peeping Trash Tramp?

Seriously: what do other people throw into the trash? Accountants, Tattoo Artists, Morticians, Lawyers, College Kids, Priests, and Exotic Dancers–we might be surprised by the contents of their garbage bin.

Accountants are easy: huge bags of wadded up paper and pencil stubs. Around tax time I would likely find empty bottles of Ibuprofen and wads of the accountants hair.

Cécile, Tattoo Artist - Tattoo Art Fest (009) ...

Cécile, Tattoo Artist – Tattoo Art Fest (009) – 18-20Sep09, Paris (France) (Photo credit: °]°)

Tattoo Artists? Hmmmm, what would be the cast offs of their trade? Empty needle packages? Bits of skin? Kleenex from sobbing parents?

Morticians? Yikes. What happens to all the body fluids of their “clients”. Do they reuse their tools or dispose of them like a Doctor does? I promise never to look inside their trash bin. Neeeeever.

Lawyers? No doubt they also have lots of used Kleenex left over from when clients get their bill. I might also find old copies of the Best Lawyer Jokes and well worn copies of  The Hunger Games.

Kleenex logo

Kleenex logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

College Kids? OMG. No comment.

Priests? Empty bottles of Crown Royal, Maple Finish in the winter and Fireball Whiskey in the summer (oops, that would be in a heathen Minister’s trash)

Exotic Dancers? No doubt their trash would contain empty boxes of pasties and  used Brazilian wax kits. Also, lots of empty coke cans and Ho-Ho Wrappers.

So there you have it. What is in your trash bin that I might find? If this topic intrigues you, check out one of my favorite blogs. And here are some examples of the world’s finest trash bins:

Trash bin in Sarajevo

Trash bin in Sarajevo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Trash bin in Vilcashuamán/Vilcashuamán/Ayacuch...

Trash bin in Vilcashuamán/Vilcashuamán/Ayacucho, Peru (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

English: Trash bin

Trash bin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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