Spring Trials

My trials have nothing to do with gardening or new seeds.The garden is going fallow this year since I will be traveling during the peak of harvest season.

The real trial: my camper Half Moon. The dealer in Cheyenne won’t work on it since they did not sell it to me. That means another trip to drop it off at the Colorado dealer (3 hours each way). I have to leave it so they can order parts and have time to install them. However, they cannot look at it until next Tuesday.That means two full weeks without the camper at the start of camping season.

Silver lining to this mess:

1. I should be able to pick it up the Monday after Easter, which is the start of my vacation.

2 .In a way I am glad the malfunction happened NOW instead of out in the boonies this summer. Who knows what the distance would be then to a dealer! And, if they are booked up like my dealer,  I would have to spend a week or two without the camper.

3. I enjoyed kibitzing with other popup camper folks about my problem.There is an extensive community online at popupportal.com.

3. I can use the time not camping to finish the new slip covers and curtains for the popup.

4. The van is still set up for sleeping so if I have to get outdoors, I can. I always try to camp during or near the full moon from April-Oct.

What was I thinking buying from a dealer so far away??? Crazy. Live and learn. Next time I will be quite an educated consumer.