Moorcroft, WY Yardsale

Even though I am camping in northern Wyoming, today is a typical Saturday morning spent hitting the yard sales.

I drove to the tiny town of Moorcroft, WY (pop 1200). It may seem silly going to a yard sale while camping, but I scored some important needs for the camper.

The light is wacky in this photo:

yard sale stuff

Back row: cheap knife set 25 cents, sturdy blue-striped beach bag 75 cents Front row: 2 yards pink quilted fabric 50 cents, 2 Ikea drawer organizers 50 cents (stuff in them I already had) Total: $2


Soft almost new rug for kitchen 50 cents

blankie 1

Soft (pink) blanket now used as cover over food storage–hate looking at plastic, 25 cents

blankiest 2 b


Grand total: $2.75 and I am  already using everything. I didn’t really have any knives so the cheapies are great.

I also spent another dollar or so at the kid’s coffee/scone table : )