
I know this is home: I recognize the furniture and fixutres.Yet, it seems oddly foreign after a month + in Half Moon. When I started the laundry, I looked for the coin slots–nothing. And those odd toilets bolted to the floor. And all those kitchen cupboards, and soooo much room. This morning I looked for my one-cup coffee dripper. Oh yeah, I use a coffee pot here. And those nice pans. Too bad the refrigerator is empty.

Empty fridge

Especially unnerving: I could not find any reading glasses. Normally they are scattered all over the house- at least six pairs at any given time, near the bed, another near my work area, one next to the sewing machine, another by the sofa. Before I left, I gathered them all up and now they are scattered all over the van and Half Moon.

Last night I missed my super Ultimate Sleeping Pad from Cabela’s. My bed is uncomfortable, even with a memory foam topper (overrated in my experience). I woke up many times in a weird knot and had to painfully untwist myself before I could snooze off again.  Today I will strip off the topper and fondly lay out the Ultimate. That thing is like manna from heaven.

Tango is not having too many transition issues, unless you count walking into the house and depositing a little present on the tiled floor. Welcome home? I want to go back to the forest? I will never know but deep down I think it was a rebellious act. Anyway, he was happy when I unpacked his cookie jar- an antique that makes a horsey sound when opened.

I noticed driving in last evening that the countryside is still a vibrant green. In a normal year, by mid-August the plains are a crisp light brown. As I look out the window this morning, the flower beds are a tangled mess of bright flowers and weeds that are enjoying their temporary free reign. This green-shaded anomaly adds to the odd home-but-is-it-really home feeling. 

It must be home. Laundry spills out of the laundry room into the hallway and  I am sitting in my morning chair drinking coffee and reading on the computer.Tango Mango has his paw draped over my left foot while he snoozes. I am wondering if I should eat something healthy or naughty. Of course, my inner debate is useless today since I have only oatmeal. Healthy wins.


I could go on, but you get the idea. In nearly five weeks, I have adapted to something new, something different, and the old normal seems strange now. However, I look forward to living the old normal once again. Having a home base is comforting, nurturing, safe. At one time I flirted with the idea of living full time in an RV, but I know after this trip that I will always need a home base. Yep in my retirement future I am going for the best of both worlds, a home base with a garden and extended adventures. A classic snowbird. Oops, I am getting ahead of myself. After all, I just turned 60. But I have a sense of peace about my future that I didn’t have a year ago.

In five hours I will be gone again, living as a gypsy once more. Right now that is new normal, but not for long.

Gypsy wagon with wood wheels and straw cover