Tesla Troubles

What do Michigan, New York, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Missouri have in common? Car dealers and auto lobbies in those states are trying to keep the electric cars from being sold there.

Not sure where to start with this one.

  • Economics 101: Free enterprise? Competition? Capitalism? And, weren’t you guys bailed out a few years ago with taxpayer money?
  • Environmental Science 101: Tesla offers a great solution to reducing carbon emissions
  • Sociology 101: When we work towards the greater good, we all win. When we act solely out of self-interest, we all lose.
  • Religion 101: Good triumphs over evil.
  • Kindergarten 101: Yes, everyone gets to play in the sandbox.a

I am waiting by the phone in case the automakers and lobbies ask me my opinion. I will say: get on the bandwagon! And, where is our sensationalist media when we need them?