Ouch, Essential Oils, and the Great Thaw

A few weeks ago when I was down with my annual late winter cold, I remarked to myself, wow, you have not had any broken bones, owies, sprains or burns since last May (sprained foot walking in Downtown Denver). Not bad. 

That, of course, was dangerous thinking, such self-kudo-ing brings disaster. I awoke the next morning with a spot of shingles on my shoulder (right where the bra strap rubs). I have one or two other small spots in the same area. I checked photos online to be sure, and my rash matched. I knew it was shingles, though, because of the prickly, nerve-ending pain.

I had the shingles shot nearly two years ago knowing that a person could still get shingles. The shot is still important as it reduces the amount rash, and I am feeling grateful it is limited to such a small area. I found my essential oils encyclopedia and learned that one of my oils, myrrh, will help with shingles. I put a few drops on the affected area and the rash calmed right down.

trigNow, I have trigger finger in my left thumb (I am left-handed). I did too much hand-sewing on thick fabrics and didn’t pay attention to the pain in my thumb. Trying some exercises for the thumb and birch essential oil. So far, it seems to be helping.

Just sharing…love to find oils that work for the minor aches and pains. Getting the the specialists for treatment is an all day undertaking.

On the bright side, the GREAT THAW is underway. Most of the snow melted, and the ice layer on the ponds and lakes is down to 18 inches or less. All fish houses, which can stay out all winter on public waters, are back in town. A friend sighted the first returning geese last week, and I saw a bald eagle soaring overhead. Tango and I are back to walking everyday on the ice-free streets, and Tango, Don the Baptist, and I took a long walk at a nearby lake. I was excited to find some rabbit feet left on the ground by an owl, no doubt. However, it was still fur covered and messy, not ready to pick up for my collection.

So what stirs within me during the great thaw?  Camping. I scheduled some repairs for Half-Moon (electric switch, jack stand) and got the van set up for those quick, overnight trips. That involves pulling the mattress out from the hallway where it rested all winter( I learned last year that memory foam freezes solid, and I don’t know if that is a bad thing, so I now bring the mattress inside0. I made up the bed and layered on blankets. Can’t wait. All I need is one night with temps at 30 degrees or above, and I will go out. Night temps, however, are still in the teens and twenties so it will be sometime in March. If my curse continues, an unexpected snow storm will move in just as I set up. May as well get out there and get it over with. This year will be better, though, because I have an indoor/outdoor Mr. Buddy heater which warms up the van in a quick minute. The camper has a heater, but the Mr. Buddy will be great in there, as well.

Onward into spring and the great bird migration!

4 thoughts on “Ouch, Essential Oils, and the Great Thaw

  1. Herbs are so helpful in addressing minor aches and skin problems. I have been treating a very sore arm (due to excessive computer work!) with soloman’s seal and turmeric (for inflammation). They are helping tremendously. Never doubt the power of herbs—it’s just a matter of finding the right one!

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