Simply Family

I want to write today about the joy of being so close to Kerry and Meghan. But first, for fun,I put the word “family” in my headline generator plug-in. I just love seeing the totally nonsensical options that occur after the generator plugs a term into a canned headline. Funny examples:

  • 10 Startups That’ll Change the Family Industry for the Better.
  • 12 Helpful Hints for Doing Family
  • Why You Should Forget About Improving Your Family
  • 7 Horrible Mistakes You are Making With Family
  • Miley Cyrus and Family: 10 Surprising Things They Have in Common
  • 11 Ways to Completely Sabotage Your Family

Some other headlines could be good writing prompts:

  • The is Your Brain on Family
  • Family: A Simple Definition
  • How to Get More Results Out of Your Family

Today, however, I am feeling warm and gooey about having so much time with my “kids”. Kerry, Meghan, Miles (grandog) and cats (at arm’s length). This little family is my pride and joy. The simple things puff me up with love and admiration. We watched 4th of July Fireworks together. Sunday, we not only attended church but also attended a class before worship. Then lunch in downtown Spokane! Kerry and I love to spar about politics.

This is normal stuff to many people. I relish family time so much because I have been geographically separated from my only kid for about a decade (including the 4 years he was in the military). I slowly developed some resentment about serving other people’s families (marrying, burying, confirmation, baptism, etc), while being so far from my own. In the meantime, Kerry settled down and I grew into semi-retirement.  Now, although we are in different states, we are only 20 miles apart.  I am available for them, to babysit the dog, sew medic patches on Kerry’s shirts, and celebrate life. This is far more satisfying than tending to other families all the time.

Life is a continuous discovery process.