New Zealand, Tango’s Job Interview and the IRS

In my dreams last night I traveled to New Zealand. I don’t remember any of the details but it was a happy event. Then, early this morning I opened one eye and took in that golden light of early morning reflecting off the pillow and sheets. I opened the other eye and looked out the small window above my head. The light there was dreary and gray, icy gray. I alternated opening one eye then the other. Soft golden light from the north, icy gray light to the south. I decided that I could choose which light would color my day: golden or icy.

I choose a golden day, of course. Good thing, because the sky really is mostly dreary. I learn once again that our mind set has so much impact on our daily perspective.

Travel plans have changed a bit. My newlyweds no longer need to me to babysit the grand animals this weekend, so I will leave on my month-long journey to Florida on Sunday after we attend church. I am scurrying around doing that last paperwork and trying to find a forwarding address. Also going to watch videos in hopes of solving my sewer drain pipe problem.

I think that the IRS suspects I am a terrorist. I filed a tax extension last April since I was moving. I overpaid so I am due a nice refund. I filed over a month ago and still no refund. Refunds usually come in a week. I check on the status online, and it tells me that my return is still “in processing”. Hmmmmm. Wondering if the bank that closed my account because I temporarily live in an RV park reported me to the Feds? Moving into an RV, withdrawing cash, using a PO Box, new bank, new state, several moves in a few years. Thanks to the Patriot Act, these could be red flags suggesting I am a terrorist trying to launder money. If the system flags ME I am thinking they need to work a bit harder to find the real bad guys. In the meantime, I feel so guilty for living as I do. When did our freedoms erode so much? IRS, if you are reading this, just call me. I can explain everything.

A funny story. When I was conditionally approved for my new volunteer gig in Florida, they asked for 3 references. No problem. However, I found out after the calls that they were as interested in Tango, my dog, as they were in me. I will be living and working in a conservation area that is maintained in its natural setting. Volunteers can bring a dog, but they are limited to the living/camping area (3 sites for volunteers). I imagine that some dogs bark incessantly and that the owners are not great about picking up after their dog. Some may let their dog run loose. So, just to be sure, each reference was asked about Tango–his temperament, my level of dog responsibility and so on! Two of my references know Tango well, and thankfully, he passed!

I will miss my coffeehouse, where I sit now drinking coffee and writing. Still, new adventures call. Glad Tango could do his part.




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