At Last, An Update from the Road!

I left Sequim, WA without my computer power cord. I have no idea where it is at this point. I cleaned out the RV and van looking for it and can only guess that I left it in the library. No computer cord meant no writing! I could keep up with most things, like email…

Thoughts Turning Towards the Sun

I finished my Sequim To-Do-List in less than a week. As I sat around wondering what to do for the rest of September, Fort Worden Historic State Park called me. Their September volunteer had not shown up and they needed someone to fill in for the month. This time, instead of camp hosting, I would…

What Has Been On Your Picnic Table?

Have you ever arrived at a campsite or picnic destination and started piling things on the picnic table?  If you are like me, you never think about a table cloth because you are too excited about being there and getting set up. After reading this post, I guarantee you will change this habit. I say…

The Tree That Would Not Fall

No adventure ever plays out exactly like you imagine before it starts. That was especially true for my recent trip to Orcas Island, off the northern coast of Washington. The ferry ride was beautiful, as I expected. It was the campground experience that was weird. A beautiful day for a ferry ride through the San…

Gifts from Deception Pass

Another month of camp hosting is nearly over. That means it is time to reflect on all the great gifts I received at Deception Pass State Park. But first, I will admit that I did not like it here when I first arrived. This is a huge park with hundreds of campgrounds. I was assigned…

Writing is Complicated

Do we inherit specific skills from our parents? If we do, then I inherited the desire to write from both of mine. Or, maybe it is something I just learned from them. Maybe both. My dad was a journalist. Mom was an English teacher.  She was also sometimes a poet. Both were English majors in…

Sounds of the Campground

While camp hosting this summer, I have learned to appreciate campground sounds.  Previously, the sounds hovered on the outskirts of my subconscious mind. However, I have taught myself to consciously listen. The daily sound cycle starts with a noticeable silence. After people pull out around noon and before the new folks arrive after 2:30 PM,…

Trashy Tales

I am spending my summer picking up trash at Washington State Parks. I have a fancy title –Volunteer Camp Host – but what I really do is pick-up trash. Lot’s of trash. Sure, I also answer questions and smile at everyone as they try to entertain their crabby kids or when they are all sitting around…

Off-the-Grid Stew

The following recipe uses almost all canned ingredients and it has helped me consume my daily veggies on many occasions. In addition to being adaptable to your favorite seasonings, it can be morphed into something different each day. Eat as is the first day. The second day, add mashed potatoes to some of the leftovers…