Bye-Bye to Another Monster

Well, I have been thinking about another Alaska post but something else has interrupted those plans. I have never written about my stepmother but, I had one and she had a huge, mostly negative, impact on my life. She died recently, and, if there was ever anyone to write about, it would be Bev.   …

Embracing the Moment

October was such a tough month for me emotionally! All the old stuff inside that needed to come out welled up and exploded, like a volcano! I thought I had dealt with my issues long ago, but surprise! More stuff lurks there. The experience tells me that long-forgotten issues have many facets and precipitating life…

RV Lifestyle, Making Friends

Not long before my mom died she said, ” You sure have a different lifestyle.” That was not a compliment. She never understood my wanderlust, and, when wandering became a full time way of life almost 3 years ago, she was aghast. She never said that outright, but she took swipes whenever she could. It…

Dog-Sitter Nightmare

I took the Greyhound back to Spokane so I could pick up my car, which was waiting at my son’s house. But first, I needed to arrange for Tango’s care while I was gone. When I asked about dog sitters in the area, I learned that the camp hosts here will watch the dogs, for…

Traits of Adult Children of Alcholics

The organization, Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) has been around for several decades now. I heard about them when the organization gathered momentum, maybe 25 years ago. I never got involved; I guess I was not ready back then. One of the most shocking things a new person on the ACA journey discovers is the Laundry…


  Vulnerable, Merriam Webster adjective 1: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded 2: open to attack or damage : Assailable, vulnerable to criticism Synonyms: defenseless, exposed, helpless, susceptible, undefended, unguarded Opposites: guarded, invulnerable, protected, resistant, shielded  Researcher Brene Brown and her talk called the “Power of Vulnerability” has helped me feel okay about the vulnerability…


I sometimes feel too vulnerable around being so transparent on my blog. But, I have to write about this journey! Writing is what I do to make sense of the world. It is an internal force that pushes relentlessly, and there is no trying to hold back that inner need to write. Publically? Maybe it is…