

Vulnerable, Merriam Webster


1: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded

2: open to attack or damage : Assailable, vulnerable to criticism

Synonyms: defenseless, exposed, helpless, susceptible, undefended, unguarded

Opposites: guarded, invulnerable, protected, resistant, shielded 

Researcher Brene Brown and her talk called the “Power of Vulnerability” has helped me feel okay about the vulnerability I am showing here. I downloaded her talk from Amazon and listen while I am walking. It is so riveting and so relevant to me right now that I tick off a mile and then another without even realizing it. Brown has done several TED talks and written many books, and they all look wonderful. She is going to be my best friend this winter! 

Brown’s message is this: If we stay guarded, protected and resistant to our truths, we miss out on the opportunity for growth, creativity and happiness. Conversely, if we are vulnerable, or what I call laid open on the table for all to see, we start the journey to wholeness and we develop the courage to continue that journey. In the process, we connect in healthier ways with others. Those are not her exact words, but my paraphrase. As I read and listen to her more, I may be able to state it more precisely. Better yet, check it out for yourself. 

Here are some of Brown’s quotes from the Internet:



I don’t have much more to say about vulnerability right now, except that it gets easier. Here are some good articles if you are looking for more about this today!

Learning to Be Vulnerable Has Changed My Life

How Being Vulnerable Can Expand Your World

Fear of Vulnerability   (I am really liking this website, Very Well Mind)


Goal: Read the works of Brene Brown over the winter!

2 thoughts on “Vulnerability

  1. Wish you were handy to help me clean off my computer. I have been invaded thru spam. mah

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