Critical Information on the Zombie Apocalypse

New Mexico has it’s UFOs and Green Aliens; however, the real danger is up here, with the Zombies that freely roam our vast, unpopulated state. Perhaps you are one of those people who zoom by on the way to Yellowstone or Sturgis, thinking that our landscape is barren. No, no, no. Behind those sagebrush lurk zombies and…

Singing the Grocery Store Blues

No matter how good a mood I am in when I walk in, I leave the grocery store grumpy. It is not the prices and quality of the produce that irritates this quasi-vegetarian polyvore. The insecticide-saturated potatoes and wilted, nutrition-free lettuce are passive and helpless, poor things. The piles of overripe bananas generate compassion in me. It’s…

Of Course it Snowed!

Unlike my spoiled desert rat friends, I enjoy living in a 4-season climate (SE Wyoming). I especially enjoy the transition to the new season: when daffodils spring up, when the nights are getting balmy towards summer , when the trees subtly change color in early fall, and finally, when the wicked winter winds whip up. Well, not really…

Rubber Chicken Purse

Not long ago, while looking for something important (i.e., powdered peanut butter) on Amazon, I came across a Rubber Chicken purse. Seriously. When I saw this beauty, my inner child rebelled against the mature minister so successfully that I passed out in shock. When I awoke, there was an email from Amazon saying, thank you…

Is It Wrong to Love Bacon Ranch Dressing?

In the past few years I have reduced meat consumption, learned to love plant-based protein (that’s you tofu), ingested fewer sweets, consumed mountains of vitamins, swallowed several daily meds, walked 5Ks, started training to run a 5K, stretched, twisted, turn, bought a bike, walked my dog, grown my own organic veggies, eaten at least one…