Want to Live Longer?

Right now I am on the road, probably going up and over the Idaho Rockies! On Saturday I wrote and pre-scheduled this post so you could read it while I am away from the Internet. Pretty cool new plug-in. Here ya go — JJs tips for a longer life! My relatives tend to live into their…

Tradition Sighting: Real Kneophfla

My goal this Christmas season is to find and focus on local traditions. I live in a mother lode of Americana on the North Dakota prairie, and I delight in witnessing locals cling to their ways. Enter into evidence Item #1: homemade kneophfla (spelling varies, pronunciation is either neffla or nip-fla, not sure which since I don’t…

Memories from a Marine Mom

from a talk given on Memorial Day 2015, Wishek ND I am so honored to be here today. I did not directly earn the right to stand before you on Memorial Day. However, important men in my life have served and won this right on my behalf. My grandfathers, Grandpa Willis and Grandpa Henderson served in World War…

White Christmas

Finally, my camera, camera data card, batteries, and battery charger are all in one place. I took a few photos on Christmas Eve day, while getting ready for two Christmas services today:   Kitchen and part of living room: Merry Christmas to All and May You Overflow with Special Blessings        

-20 Degrees, Settling In, and Bird Feeders

This morning, the indoor/outdoor thermometer informed me that the outside temp is -20 degrees. That is not the temp with a wind chill; it is a straight up -20 degrees. Of course, everyone tells me this is the coldest early winter they can remember. Ever. Wherever I live, I seem to arrive on the worst…

Almost to North Dakota

What a whirlwind. On Sunday, I picked up my U-Haul (near Wheatland) and friends helped me load up. I pulled out of town by about 2:30 PM. It is now Monday night, and I am in Pierre, SD for the night. Tomorrow I have only 177 miles left.  Then, unload. However, since the parsonage is…

Back in Wheatland

Quick post from my phone…took the bus back to Wheatland. Getting the Uhaul Sunday…friends help with the loading. If I am not too tired I will drive a few hours Sunday late afternoon. Hope to be in Wishek Tuesday early evening. Bus ride was interesting, lots of back roads including Wind River Canyon, WY. Snow…

A Gift that Give and Gives and Saves Trees

I know, it’s early to think about Christmas. But I must share the best gift!  Each year I either do not buy presents, give homemade pickles, or a gift card. Sometimes I make a donation to the Heifer Project or other charity in a person’s name. This year: a great new option. You can read…

Amazon Prime Music

If you have not accessed the free music and playlists from Amazon you will be amazed. This program is part of Prime Music. I have been downloading free playlists in my Amazon Cloud library and a bunch of new songs. I often just stream off my phone using the music app and little speaker or light-weight…