Death Valley: It’s All About the Shade

The drive from Pahrump, NV to Death Valley National Park was less than 2 hours. It should have been quicker, but I was buffeted by winds and slowed down to 40 MPH. For once, other drivers did not honk at me out of frustration. Of course, there weren’t too many people out there and those…

Beach Bums

Tango and I are holed up for 7 days at the beach! After wandering here and there, spending only a night or two in one place, we discovered that Kalaloch Campground in Olympic National Park, which is situated on a low bluff and overlooking the ocean. The campground does not start reservations until closer to…

Embracing the Moment

October was such a tough month for me emotionally! All the old stuff inside that needed to come out welled up and exploded, like a volcano! I thought I had dealt with my issues long ago, but surprise! More stuff lurks there. The experience tells me that long-forgotten issues have many facets and precipitating life…