Officially Washington

For over a month I have been slowly switching everything to Washington State – auto insurance, voter registration, health insurance, etc. Yesterday I finally had enough “proof of residency” documents to get my Washington driver’s license. Woo hoo. I think that makes me officially a resident, although I still need license plates for the fleet…

Fall in Washington

Tango and I walked by one of our neighbors the other day. After hellos, and how are yous, we discussed the weather. “I sure love this fall weather here,” I spouted. “Fall! This is still summer,” was the reply. Weather is so subjective. After a month in Deming (near 100 degrees some days), the 70…


So, after 2 months in wild Alaska, how am I adapting to mainstream life in the lower 48? Here are the highlights! Greatest convenience (besides a flush toilet): plugging in my computer and phone every night and finding them fully charged in the morning! Best Kitchen Moments: Washing dishes with soap, water, and a sponge, instead…