Moving Along!

We have not ventured far during our first week. Until this morning, I drove 50 miles and now another 70 ish to the Pacific Coast. Grand total: 120-130 miles. We stayed in Sequim for several days because of a big festival. I wanted to see all the art exhibits and attend a talk about painting…

Gifts from the Road – Sequim

This morning while Tango and I walked around the marina, I started thinking about all the wonderful bits of life I have found and experienced in Sequim. I also reflected on the many other gifts found in my travels. Life is amazing and I position myself to experience it fully. Why haven’t I made lists!?…

Marv’s Place

Only two weeks until I leave for my summer travels. That means I am once again working through my “pre-flight” checklist. Dentist, Tango shots, stocking up on pantry staples, topping off the propane tanks. This year, I added to the list a stop at Michaels during a big sale to acquire more paint and canvas…

Fur Boy

Tango is 11.5 years old! When we walk and explore, he seems like a much younger dog because he is spry and active. When you look closer, he is showing his age. I see a bit of cloudiness in his eyes and gray around his muzzle. I have been told that Aussies can live a very…

Embracing the Moment

October was such a tough month for me emotionally! All the old stuff inside that needed to come out welled up and exploded, like a volcano! I thought I had dealt with my issues long ago, but surprise! More stuff lurks there. The experience tells me that long-forgotten issues have many facets and precipitating life…

RV Lifestyle, Making Friends

Not long before my mom died she said, ” You sure have a different lifestyle.” That was not a compliment. She never understood my wanderlust, and, when wandering became a full time way of life almost 3 years ago, she was aghast. She never said that outright, but she took swipes whenever she could. It…

Dog-Sitter Nightmare

I took the Greyhound back to Spokane so I could pick up my car, which was waiting at my son’s house. But first, I needed to arrange for Tango’s care while I was gone. When I asked about dog sitters in the area, I learned that the camp hosts here will watch the dogs, for…