Gifts from the Road – Sequim

This morning while Tango and I walked around the marina, I started thinking about all the wonderful bits of life I have found and experienced in Sequim. I also reflected on the many other gifts found in my travels. Life is amazing and I position myself to experience it fully. Why haven’t I made lists!? I do write about my travels here, but I have not ever sat down and listed the gifts I find.

I find it is too easy to focus on the less joyful parts of life, especially as I age. I am getting old, I am alone, my travel days won’t last forever. I am hampered by my upbringing and weaknesses. I made significant mistakes in life. I am no longer attractive. I am too fat.  I also find myself judging others. They are too selfish, racist, inconsiderate. I am a ruminator. My thoughts are sometimes focused more on the 10% of negative stuff around me rather than the 90% of wonderous and fun things.

Positive thinking! As a young woman, I loved Norman Vincent Peale’s book, the Power of Positive Thinking. It really helped me keep a positive perspective. However, over time I forgot his wisdom. Today, I ordered a Kindle version of his classic to help in me my renewed quest to focus on the positive.

Recognizing the gifts I receive along the way seems like a good place to start, so here is the list for Sequim!

Gifts from Sequim

Outstanding sights

Coastal vistas: containers ships, military vessels, lighthouses, sailboats, marinas, Vancouver Island, smaller forested islands

Beaches: driftwood, shells, seagulls dropping their catch on the rocks to open the shells, kelp washed ashore in huge piles

The seal who lives in the waters around the marina

        Sea otters playing in the surf

Interesting places:

Downtown Seattle, Pikes Place Market

Lavender fields

Amazing Adventures

 Ferry trips to Whidbey Island and Seattle

Kayaking in the frigid cold waters, which scares me somewhat

New in Nature

Madrone Trees – lovely, red-barked tree with rubbery oval leaves and a profusion of white blossoms. The woods around the RV park had several old growth trees that I can see from my RV window in the back

Vibrant Rhododenrons

Trillium ( wild flower)

Coastal birds, especially Oyster Catchers

Olympic Mountains

Rain shadows

Poetry in the Forest Program

Olympic Discovery Trail

Lifestyle Gifts

YMCA and water aerobics class

Great library – I have enjoyed their books and wonderful selection of movies

QFC, grocery store

Sense of place – I am fully established here as a resident. I have doctors, dentist, friends, and all three vehicles registered here.  As I take off on a new round of travel it is great to have found my place and to know that I have something spectacular to return to.

Elks Club – I know this came from left field! I am not exactly the Elks “type”. However, the Elks Lodges often have RV spots, including the one in Sequim. Ours even has storage for RVs and vehicles for $1/month. I joined primarily for that reason: next week I move the car to their storage and, in mid-June, I will come back before my trip to AK and store the RV and van. I will drive the car to Sea-Tac airport. Also, I have a list of Lodges with RV spots and may use them on and off as I wander.

People and Culture

Progressive culture, where people are concerned about climate change, social justice, and many other values that I hold

Homelessness – I have had a real education about the pervasive nature of homelessness along the West Coast. I am deeply touched by the issue and follow the news about solutions that different communities are trying. I tried volunteering in a shelter a few times but it is a nasty setting. Drug users, mean attitudes, germs, filth. My heart is heavy about the situation, but I learned that volunteering in this area is not my calling.


Painting – I don’t know why the desire to paint caught my attention here, but I am going for it!

Old lessons reconfirmed

Importance of having meaningful things to do, contributing to society. I like working with old folks, especially those with challenges, much like I did when I was a minister. That seems to be my calling here.

Being single can be a social hazard! Most of the groups of people with similar interests are made up of married couples. Next year I will work more on this.

Stepdad no longer calls me or answers when I call. It was nice having caring family for a while, but I should have known it wouldn’t last


I will never recover fully from childhood traumas and wounds

My flawed self is just fine, and I can still be the best person possible despite all that

As I accept my flawed self, I can fully accept others with all their flaws (this one came on Easter!!)