Gifts from the Road – Sequim

This morning while Tango and I walked around the marina, I started thinking about all the wonderful bits of life I have found and experienced in Sequim. I also reflected on the many other gifts found in my travels. Life is amazing and I position myself to experience it fully. Why haven’t I made lists!?…

Best of Summer 2015

Here are my best memories from my first summer in North Dakota Best nature find: Painted Turtles, roaming freely in the Turtle Mountains. Several came to visit my campsite each evening. Best garden plant: Jade green beans. I planted green beans for years. This year I ordered Jades from Territorial Seed Company and loved them:…

Pondering World Affairs and Media

American culture is an endless well of subject matter-think Donald Sterling, NBA owner. Lately, though, I have been thinking about all the global tragedies: Ukraine aggression, the South Korean ferry sinking,the  loss of flight MH 370, the deadly Mt. Everest avalanche. Those are just the big headlines. Many more events go unnoticed: Egypt sentences 700…