Moving On

Fortunately, I was at a beautiful, Northern Idaho wooded retreat center for the weekend. I missed the final Kavanaugh vote, and, by the time I had cell service again, I no longer cared that he “won”. The sad truth is that we all lost in so many ways, thanks to our elected representatives and their…

Please, Please, Please

So, the FBI “report” is in the hands of our Senate. I wish that this was still about simply nominating and confirming a Supreme Court Judge. What we have now is a symbolic decision that will either affirm the ability of white privilege to ramrod through a person who is not SCOTUS material or affirm…

Vocabulary Lesson

I love a good national scandal. It is not that I enjoy watching supposedly mature people fighting in public. I do not love the divisions and bitterness that ensues. I lament the degradation of our society. However, I do love the vocabulary that spills forth. I always learn something new. Thanks to Manafort, Trump, and…